The Importance of IT Documentation
Tuesday, 08 September 2020
IT documentation is important because it provides your IT Support Partner or IT Support Team with the right information to be able to operate, maintain, support, deliver and protect your IT infrastructure and IT investment. IT documentation is an incredibly valued resource and we have discovered that in most organisations it is poorly managed, difficult
- Published in Guidance, IT Support, Managed IT
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Helping our hotel and hospitality customers overcome their NHS Track and Trace challenge
Friday, 21 August 2020
The easing of lockdown restrictions for hospitality came with the government asking hotels, restaurants and pubs to keep temporary records of their customers. That way if it is ever discovered that one of your patrons is unwell, it will be possible to isolate the members of your team who served those guests, as well as
- Published in Customers, IT Support
Password Management Tools
Thursday, 20 August 2020
As a business owner, you must ensure that your team are using password management tools. More than 60% of data breaches are as a result of weak or stolen passwords, and around 30% of people remember their passwords by writing them on post-its. With your business relying almost completely on virtual operations, defending your business
- Published in Cyber Security
.eu Domain Names After Brexit
Friday, 07 August 2020
On the 1st February 2020, Britain left the EU. Whilst Brexit has many implications for businesses, some of them may not be immediately obvious. One of these relates to domain names: following Brexit, if your business has a .eu domain name, you may no longer be able to use that domain. You have until 01
- Published in Guidance